Global Power Pastors

Pastor Antony Ouma


Pastor Antony Ouma was given an online bible study in 2015. He and Sister Ouma were baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the Holy Ghost at the UPCK convention in Nairobi Kenya  shortly after receiving the revelation. They returned to Mumias, Kenya to  birth a brand new work in an area that is predominantly muslim.

Pastor Ouma, and his wife Violet, have now baptized close to 600 people in Jesus name and many of them have received the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues. There have also been two daughter works started in different regions and are thriving! Pastor Ouma also is in the process of getting his license with UPCK.

Pastor John Makewa


Pastor John Makewa was given an online bible study in 2015. After receiving the revelation was soon baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues at the UPCK in Nairobi Kenya. He felt the Lord leading him back to Donoma, Tanzania where he birthed a new church. Many have been baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the Holy Ghost. Pastor John went on to get his license with UPCT and was recently asked to be a national teacher with United Pentecostal Church of Tanzania.

Pastor John went on to start 5 daughter works in the remote areas of Tanzania that are continuing to grow and thrive. God has greatly blessed and used him and his wife, Eunice. Pastor John has seen 12 pastors baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost!

Pastor Denis Mon'gare


Pastor Denis Mon'gare was reached through online connection in 2020.  He was at a crossroads in his ministry knowing the truth yet discouragement had come so hard, he felt alone and without direction. He was at a point of turning back from oneness. Upon meeting we were able to connect him to UPCK and Pastor Denis went to school, received his UPCK license and now is North Region Youth Director for UPCK and a Pastor in Eldoret Kenya.  

With his  love for truth and new found hope Pastor Denis began to reach many pastors. As of today he and his wife, Vane, have reached more than 127 Pastors with this glorious truth and they have all been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost.  The impact has been felt throughout Kenya as these pastors took this Apostles Doctrine back to their churches. Hundreds have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost!

Pastor Julius Ouma


Pastor Julius Ouma from Mumias Kenya has been a baptist pastor for over 15 years. He and his wife Sister Carolyne Ouma pastor 2 churches there in Mumias. Pastor Julius was given an online Bible study in 2023 and he quickly saw the revelation and was soon baptized in Jesus name by Pastor Antony Ouma and came up out of the water speaking in tongues. A year prior Sister Caroline saw the revelation of baptism in Jesus' name and had been praying for her husband to also come to this truth.  Many of their church members have been baptized in Jesus name!  In August they baptized 228 in one day.  They have also reached five other pastors and 11 other leaders from trinity churches have received this revelation and have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost.

Pastor Julius and Sister Caroline  have picked up the passion of sharing this oneness gospel with other trinity pastors. Five pastors have been baptized in Jesus name and 11 of their church leadership.  Pastor Julius is currently in bible studies including at a prison. They both have a desire to be licensed with UPCK following more Biblical studies.  The Fire of Revival is in Kenya!

Pastor Lipton Luttebana Wekesa


Pastor Lipton Luttebana Wekesa believed in trinitarian teachings when he attended a conference and met a oneness Pastor. Conviction turned him to Jesus Name baptism and he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

He returned to his home church and was told to stop teaching this doctrine or leave, so he left and started teaching the Acts 2:38 message in other villages. He started meeting with hungry souls in a house and weekly the number grew. They now rent some land and have service in a makeshift building.

He miraculously connected with Sis. Jackie Britt and later to Bishop Forbush who is mentoring him.  His desire is to be a part of UPCK soon.

A total of 36 souls have been baptized in the name of Jesus and 50 have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost as of November 2023 through his ministry.

Pastor Tuva

Kilifi County, Kenya

Pastor Tuva is from Kilifi County, Kenya. He was baptized in Jesus' name in 2005 in Huruma Eldoret. Shortly thereafter he was filled with the power of the Holy Ghost.

He  has been part of over 2500 souls being baptized in Jesus name.  When we met Pastor Tuva he was operating independently with a great burden to reach trinitarian pastors. He is currently working in Kisii, Kakamega, Migori and other areas of Kenya. Pastor Tuva at the moment is  focused on the 13 counties surrounding Kilifi County.

Just recently he traveled to the Indian Ocean to preach Acts 2:38 to a group of pastors. One of the pastors was so moved that his family gave him a 50 x 100 ft. plot of land to build a church. Pastor Tuva carries a great burden for training, discipleship, and reaching the unknown pastors with the true Apostolic gospel of Jesus Christ.

Bishop Timothy Babu


Bishop Timothy Babu founder and overseer of In Jesus Name Ministries in Western India where they face persecution for their faith.  Bishop Timothy is 2nd generation Apostolic. He and his lovely wife Jhansi have been faithfully serving in India with Apostolic Doctrine for 25 years.

They have birthed 61 churches in India and  run a Christian school with over 200 children. Bishop Timothy has such a great vision for India and is believing for 3,000 trinitarian pastors to come truth with IJNM. Bishop and his pastors are have joined with POWER to see this apostolic doctrine go throughout India.

Pastor Dinesh Malhotra

Chhattisgarh, India

Bro. Paul Holman met Pastor Denish on line and discovered he was baptizing in Jesus Name.
He is now connected with PGM and has won over 20 pastors to Aposolic truth.  We are sending him to Nepal soon to give a seminar on Jesus Name Baptism to 21 pastors. He is on fire for truth, and we welcome him to POWER Global Ministries.  Nepal will be adding another country to our mission.